Survey ID Number
Quantitative Service Delivery Survey in Health 2000
The following survey instruments are available:
- District Health Team Questionnaire;
- District Facility Data Sheets;
- Uganda Health Facility Survey Questionnaire;
- Facility Data Sheets;
- Facility Patient Exit Poll Questionnaire.
The survey collected data at three levels: district administration, health facility, and client. In this way it was possible to capture central elements of the relationships between the provider organization, the frontline facility, and the user. In addition, comparison of data from different levels (triangulation) permitted cross-validation of information.
At the district level, a District Health Team Questionnaire was administered to the district director of health services (DDHS), who was interviewed on the role of the DDHS office in health service delivery. Specifically, the questionnaire collected data on health infrastructure, staff training, support and supervision arrangements, and sources of financing.
The District Facility Data Sheet was used at the district level to collect more detailed information on the sampled health units for fiscal 1999-2000, including data on staffing and the related salary structures, vaccine supplies and immunization activity, and basic and supplementary supplies of drugs to the facilities. In addition, patient data, including monthly returns from facilities on total numbers of outpatients, inpatients, immunizations, and deliveries, were reviewed for the period April-June 2000.
At the facility level, the Uganda Health Facility Survey Questionnaire collected a broad range of information related to the facility and its activities. The questionnaire, which was administered to the in-charge, covered characteristics of the facility (location, type, level, ownership, catchment area, organization, and services); inputs (staff, drugs, vaccines, medical and nonmedical consumables, and capital inputs); outputs (facility utilization and referrals); financing (user charges, cost of services by category, expenditures, and financial and in-kind support); and institutional support (supervision, reporting, performance assessment, and procurement). Each health facility questionnaire was supplemented by a Facility Data Sheet (FDS). The FDS was designed to obtain data from the health unit records on staffing and the related salary structure; daily patient records for fiscal 1999-2000; the type of patients using the facility; vaccinations offered; and drug supply and use at the facility.
Finally, at the facility level, an exit poll was used to interview about 10 patients per facility on the cost of treatment, drugs received, perceived quality of services, and reasons for using that unit instead of alternative sources of health care.