Estimates of Sampling Error
Sampling Errors for the Survey Total Estimate Variable Estimate S Error (SE) CI LOWER CI UPPER Design Effect Observations Total Population 26,359,890 485,624.60 25,400,000 27,300,000 - 92,013 Total Males 13,016,382 245,726.00 12,500,000 13,500,000 - 45,625 Total Females 13,343,508 249,810.90 12,900,000 13,800,000 - 46,388 Popn Aged < 5 Years 4,229,198 87,651.80 4,057,015 4,401,381 - 14,834 Popd 0-17 Years 14,529,122 281,307.30 14,000,000 15,100,000 - 50,772 Pop 6-24 Years 13,008,307 257,203.80 12,500,000 13,500,000 - 45,055 Pop 6-12 Years 6,151,034 124,609.60 5,906,250 6,395,817 - 21,549 Pop13-17 Years 3,334,309 76,880.70 3,183,284 3,485,335 - 11,497 Pop18-24 Years 3,522,964 79,930.20 3,365,950 3,679,979 - 12,009 Sampling Errors for the Survey Mean Estimate